Wednesday, January 30, 2008


OK, it's definitely time to reboot society:

Say you're on vacation, and your teenage son wants to ride his bike from your campground into the local town. On his way back your son is struck by a car and killed after being dragged about 350 feet. Local law enforcement doesn't charge the driver of the car, but the driver's insurance company pays you about $50,000. Your lawyer advises not to press charges for any more damages. The driver was speeding, but it is viewed as an accident and not a result of drug/alcohol abuse or negligence.

Fast-forward 2 years. You've lost your son, and hopefully by this point the pain of losing him has subsided. You've moved on. Now get this, the moron that killed your son is suing you for damage to his car when he ran over him. About 60% of what his insurance company paid you ($30,000).

That's exactly what happened in Spain,
when a business man ran over a teenage boy while speeding (he was going about 70 in a 55 according to accident report, 107 mph according to an independent expert hired by the victim's family). Two years later he wants $30k from the family of the person he killed. Not injured, killed. This is to repair his Audi A-8. This car retails from $65,000 US to $110,000 US. Obviously the guy is making fairly good money to afford this vehicle in the first place.

First off, this guy is a scumbag. What's worse is his scumbag lawyer who took the suit to court for filing. What are they thinking? It's like some Wall Street hotshot is screaming through New York in his Maserati, runs over a homeless guy, then sues the city for damages to his car because he was in the way. Personal responsibility has gone the way of the DoDo.

Second, can you possibly imagine the anger, hostility, and outrage felt by the family. The fact that the courts would even look at and consider the suit disgusts me. Fortunately the community rallied around the family and demanded the suit be dismissed. The moron later dropped the suit.

Third, in an interview on television this asshole claims to be a victim too which is why he is filing suit. On his day in court he doesn't bother to show up, and his scumbag lawyer tells the judge that the publicity of the case "amounted to a public lynching." Yeah, no shit. It's too bad it was proverbial and not literal.

Now, I want you to take a moment and try to play Devil's advocate. (Some of you are pretty good at that). Try to think of a situation where it's plausible that after taking some one's life, through your own bad judgement or mistake, that you would then pursue the family of the dead person for damages you incurred. Kinda tough isn't it. I think anyone with any type of moral compass would have to agree the argument is ridiculous.

Even if the family were loaded, and had a huge insurance policy on the kid, it's absolutely disgusting and rank with human greed. Most likely they are a typical middle-class family trying to keep from getting bent over by those who have the money and power.

My deepest condolences to the family who lost their son. No parent should ever have to bury his/her child. I hope that in the coming years you find some peace.

To the asshole:

Here might be a step in the right direction. Take all of your possessions and sell them (including the car you killed this boy with). Then take the proceeds and give half to the family, and the other half to a non-profit organization that helps families cope with losing a child.

Option 2: Take your Audi to the highest point in Spain. Strap yourself in and put it in neutral. Do the entire human race a favor.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

"the child has grown, the dream is gone"

Here I am, finally jumping into the fray that is the blogosphere. No congratulations just yet. Give me a week and I bet I can torque enough people off to get me hacked into oblivion.

How many times in our experiences have lies been the death of a relationship?

"I promise, I'll pay you right back"

"I don't know who _________ is" (insert woman's name)

"I haven't been seeing someone else"

"This is my last drink, ever"

"I'll just put it in a little bit"

and who could forget:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

Now get all of your favorite lies, misleading statements, and fabrications from one source, the U.S. Government. We've been in the business of misleading the public for over 200 years, but we've never offered anything like this before! You'll get not 500, not 700, not 800 but 935 lies! You heard right. 935 untruths in about 2 years. We used to spread out the lies over time, but since we realized that the country is just a bunch of mindless sheep roaming around, we decided it would be better to deal in bulk.

Ok, I'm going to stop right there. I think you get my point. I thought since this would be my first blog I would try to remain professional and not use profanity which I am sometimes prone to do....

Aw fuck it!!!!!

I am so sick and fucking tired about someone telling me I am not a Patriot because I don't support the war! A war we were lied to about to get our support. A war that the administration lied to fucking Congress about to get the support. A war that the admnistration lied to the entire world about, but nobody believed any part of that shit except for Great Britain. 935 FUCKING LIES!!!!

We have deteriorated into a nation of overfed cattle, looking dumbfounded at the rest of the world, wondering why they don't like us anymore. Cowering and huddling together like a bunch of whipped puppies, waiting for the next beating from our sadistic..... oooh look -- a ball!!

At some point, a lot of people looked at the crap they were feeding us and decided to speak out against the war. And look what happens to you if you do and you have any kind of notoriety. "He's just a priviliged Liberal who happens to be a movie star, but that doesn't make him an expert on lies from the government." Doesn't it?

See above.....